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a Little more About Me.

I consider myself an inspirer. That’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do, to inspire people to live fully and to be grateful for this wonderful life we’ve been given. I am a high school Art teacher, and I believe it was a path that was chosen for me, not one that I consciously chose. What I really wanted to study was Art Therapy, and Art Education was the first stop on that path. Being in a classroom felt so wonderful that I chose to take a detour from my projected journey and I stayed with teaching.

Teaching in a public high school taught me many things. It taught me, that when we are ready to learn, it is then that we seek knowledge. The only thing I could really do was hope to inspire and show my students the wonder and beauty of life and how art is used to capture that. I learnt that my words did have power, even a simple hello and a smile was enough to change a life. I learned that students didn’t remember all those detailed lessons plans I put so much time and effort in, they only remembered what they walked away with, their own interpretation of events that I really didn’t have control over. Being in front of the classroom also taught me that my words were powerful. They had the power to inspire, to motivate, and to question. The most important thing I learned was the true power of a loving word, a caring gesture, and a heart to heart connection. These were some of the things I needed to learn to not only be good Teacher but also a good Medium.

Empathic. Compassionate. Healer.

There were markers along the way. I was very fascinated with old photographs dating back to the early 1900s, and the stories left untold…..Who were they? What was their life like? I would incorporate these photographs in my paintings and create new stories. Little did I know…

My friends and family thought I was strange to be looking at pictures of dead people. I didn’t see them as dead, I saw them as someone’s loved one, and wondered if they have any family still living, what was their life story. I am sure Spirit was putting these signs in front of me to help me remember the things I set to accomplish in this life. Another spirit inspired experience happened during my mid-teens. While I used to chat away on the phone, I was always surprised by the faces that would appear from my doodles. I kept drawing the same elderly man, it scared me at first and made me feel very uncomfortable. A few years back I received a message from a gifted medium, she mentioned the Spirit of a man that had lived in my mother’s house and described an elderly gentleman, the description resembled that man I kept drawing some twenty odd years ago. My passion, my calling and the Spirit World was waiting patiently to be discovered.

The loss of my beloved father and my closest friend Melissa, solidified my hearts yearning to connect with the other side. My deep pain and my desire for Spirit contact brought me to Arthur Findlay College in the UK, a magical place that changed my life forever. When I was younger I kept having this reoccurring dream of living in this huge haunted Victorian mansion. It wasn’t until I walked into the doors of Stansted Hall that it brought back flashes of all those dreams I had from a young age. This was it. This time however, I wasn’t scared. This time, it felt like I was home. If you are on the Spiritual Path and have an interest in learning about Mediumistic unfoldment, I definitely recommend you go to this magical place. I consider it a place between Heaven and Earth. It resembles Hogwarts, where the eyes of the paintings follow you around and you know you are not alone. I was very fortunate to have a wonderful fairy experience captured on video which I discovered upon my return, I will post the video in an upcoming blog.

Looking back at my life I can see why I experienced all that I had to in order to fully acknowledge and develop my gifts. Our Gifts are always there, but we need to unfold them and keep working on them in order to see them develop. The same goes for anything we want to accomplish in life. There are ups and downs on the path, the important part is to stay centered while we experience the storms and to recognize that it is the storms that help us advance the most and we need to remember the Sun. The Sun is always there. Even if we don’t see it behind the clouds. It’s always there.

xx Christina

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